Post by Maurice HelwigPost by Maurice HelwigOptional update arrived this morning via MS update (Set to notify me)---
Intel - System - 6/26/2016 12.00.00 AM - 14.35.69
Information is unhelpful to say the least. Can anyone shed some light on
what it may be.
A few others on the Win 7 forums have received this update as well.
No answers there either !!!
Note: You did not copy the ".1." part of the number correctly.
This cost a lot of time! It throws off searches. I get nothing
when this happens.
Intel - System - 6/26/2016 12.00.00 AM -
Here's a hit. Someone did the legwork. Auf Deutsch.
This is the entry on the Catalog Server.
I tried the Catalog Server but got nothing in
my previous searches. Here it is, for dissection
(download, take CAB apart with 7ZIP, open INF in Notepad
and so on).
ACPI\INT3394 <--- ACPI object identifier, Intel branded
Intel(R) Extreme Tuning Utility Device Service
The borncity poster reports:
"Inspecting the .cab file, I found an ACPI driver
and a PCI driver. The strings located within the
INF driver installer files are.
ManufacturerName="Intel" ; TODO: add ManufacturerName
DiskName = "ACPI and BIOS Control"
XtuAcpiDriver.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) Extreme Tuning Utility Device Driver"
The Intel-Extreme-Tuning-Utility tool may be found here.
So that would be a driver to make a Tuning Utility of
some sort work. ACPI drivers are used to "punch through"
the Ring 3 / Ring 0 security wall. (You cannot talk to
hardware directly from Ring 3.) The BIOS developer
knows there is hardware the OS/apps need to reach,
an ACPI object is defined, then when the OS calls
in, there is a way for the two parts to communicate.
It's considered a better scheme than "giveio.sys"
used by third-party developers in similar situations.
Example text:
Intel Extreme Tuning Utility XTU
Intel Extreme Tuning Utility (Intel XTU) is a simple
Windows-based performance tuning software for novice
and experienced enthusiasts to overclock, monitor,
and stress a system.
Here's a kid playing with his XTU.
What I notice in the screen, is a relationship [branding]
to Microstar International (MSI). Whether this package
is created by MSI and distributed by Intel, or vice
versa, I don't know. MSI has distributed a utility for
video cards in the past (Afterburner?) for a similar
purpose. All this link shows, is the kinda stuff
MSI likes to distribute/give away. I've seen to
references to MSI so far, but I don't know if
only MSI branded products will be affected or
receive the driver update or not.
(Stuff MSI likes to make...)