In, on Sun, 13 Oct 2024 00:50:12 +0000, Binali
Post by Binali YildirimPost by David E. RossPost by Newyana2Post by Java JiveI hope the service is not going to disappear, it's often very useful.
See Rudy's link. It's pro-Palestinian hackers who figure that
anything connected to the US is evil and deserves to be attacked.
Given that Israel is committing genocide while the world keeps
You have been led to misunderstand the meaning of "genocide". Like
fratricide is killing one's brother, genocide is killing a whole ethnic
group or nationality or race of people. The murders of Jews in WWII
were *attempted* genocide because the nazis did the same thing in
countries they occupied and intended to do the same thing in the whole
world wherever their conquest was successful. The murder of Armenians
was afaik also attempted genocide and the attacks on North and South
American Indian tribes may have been for some people, or, regardless of
intention, may have almost had that result. I don't think intention is
necessary for everyone, as long as it is for some, even if others are
stupid but murderous pawns. Any fully successful genocides might be
known by scholars but are unknown by me because no one is around to tell
The proper meaning of the word was understood in the 1940's,50's and
60's but since then people who don't understand have weakened the word
and used it to mean killing even small numbers of people *because* they
belong to some ethnic group or nationality or race.
Israel has not done that either, not at all. They have never killed and
are not killing anyone becauase they are Arabs or Muslims or even
Gazans. They are killing people because Israel was attacked, civilians
barbarically murdered in ways too disgusting to describe here, and
hostages were taken. If Hamas would return the hostages without
killing them first (as they have done in several cases) and either
surrender or at least announce plans to no longer attack, Israel would
have stopped its assault on Hamas many months ago.
Did you expect the United States to stop attacking Germany or Japan
before it surrendered? Did you notice that the US did not do that? Do
you not know aabout the 10's of thousands of German and Japanese
civilians killed by US counterattacks, even not counting the A-bobms? Or
do you*** or others have a double standard on Israel versus the US and
other countries? Note that Italy did surrender and it wasn't damaged
very much when the US attacked it.
***Maybe I'm being too hard on you because of the misuse of that one
word. If so, I apologize. But what I've written definitely applies to
others who do have a double standard.
Post by Binali YildirimPost by David E. RossPost by Newyana2calling Palestinians "terrorists", I guess it's hard to blame them.
I appreciate that.
Post by Binali YildirimPost by David E. RossPost by Newyana2Maybe was just easy pickings.
Just remember that Hamas and then Hezbollah fired the first shots.
Just remember that Israel has already killed 42,000 innocent
Palestinians and destroyed their land.
This isn't often mentioned but the Gazans are not all that innocent.
Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2005, 19 years ago. The people who call for
a "free Gaza" dont' seem to know it had been free for 19 years***
But within 2 years, the Gazans had elected a known terrorist
organization to rule them. That was iiac partly because Hamas had been
distributing food or money, but nonetheless they did it.
Soon after that Hamas started sending mortars, then fire-balloons and
finally rockets into Israel aimed at civilian targets (but even if they
had been aimed at military targets, it would have been just as bad since
Israel had *withdrawn*.) This went on for 18 years (had started in
small scale in 2001, but increased dramatically after Hamas was in
What did YOU say when Hamas was shooting rockets at Israel? What did
YOU do? I'll bet it was nothing. You were happy about it, weren't
you? I read your other post and you have some crackpot ideas about
Jews. Did your parents teach you that? The people you grew up with?
The people you hang out with now?
In all the years that followed 2006, did any Gazans object to what Hamas
was doing from their land in their name? No. You might reasonably say
they were afraid to ojbect. Hamas is not very nice to other Arabs either
and yes, if someone ojbected in public, he might much regret it. But
thousands of Gazans for nost of the last 17 years until a year ago would
go to israel eech day for work It would have been easy to carry an
essay or letter to the editor out, one's own writing or for someone
else, which he could have sent anonymously to a newspaper or a mayor or
the Knesset, or the Israeli government or an NGO. Did anyone do that? I
never heard a single example.
And they talk about women and children as if all are innocent. A child
in American parlance is anyone under 18. Do you think there are no 17-
all the way down to 13-year or even developed 12-year olds moving
rockets to be launched, or women bringing food and drink, and
encouragement, to those attacking Israel?
And of course Hamas commits war crimes by storing its rockets and other
weapons in or under mosques, hospitals, and schools. It does this on
purpose so it can either avoid their destruction, or whine when they are
attacked. Do you think the managers of the mosques, hospitals, schools
don't know what is stored in their basements? Don't notice when the
rockets are brought out and later that day they hear them luanched? Do
any of *them* smuggle out letters of complaint or reports to the LOL UN?
Probably half of them favor the goals and methods of Hamas. So your
use of "innocent" is over-broad.
***(Even under Israeli rule it was freer than Moslems in Afhghanistan,
Post by Binali YildirimIt will take them 75 years to
rebuild what American proxy called Israel have bombed.
Israel is on a mission to destroy all Arab countries in that region.
Total baloney. One of your antisemitic fantasies. based partly on your
enormous lack of knowledge of the history of Arabs and Jews in the last
140 years. Jews have had a substantial presence in Israel for the last
3300 years, including the last 2000. They have been a majority of the
population of Jeruslem since the mid-1800's. When Jewish immigration to
Israel started growing again around 1890, like recent Mexican and
Central American immigration to the United States, except that Jews they
were returning to their homeland after being largely evicted by the
Romans) the Jews tried as hard as they could to get along with the Arabs
there and for the most part succeeded. Tbey bought the worst land,
sometimes malaria swamps they had to drain, sometimes arid land.
Sometimes they dressed like local Arabs, but some of the Arabs were
unhappy and made trouble. They had to put fences around the kibbutzim,
Not enought time to write a 300 page history but skipping ahead to 1967,
after the third war when in each case Arab countries attacked Israel,
Israel controlled the West Bank and Gaza. Are you aware of what the
Arabs did next? If they had made peace, it's pretty much agreed by
those who know that they would have gotten back control of the West Bank
and Gaza. But instead they met in Khartoum. The war was in erarly June
1967 and they met at the end of August as the fourth Arab League Summit,
and they passed the Khartoum Resolution known as "The Three No's"; No
peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, no negotiations with
Israel. So this was their plan, by Arabs, to continue to the war. And so
that's what they got. And the ones that Israel is still fighting with
continue with that goal. no peace, no recognition, no negotiation.
Despite that, on the ground, things were going well. Arabs from the
West Bank went shopping and sight-seeing in the rest of Israel and
Israelis went shopping and sight-seeing there, and this lasted for not
sure how long but over a year. Then again trouble makers, similar to
Christian Nationslists in the USA although far more vioent, caused
But even now Israel *and Israelis* want good relations with Arabs
throughout the world. Thousand of Israelis vacation peacefully in
Jordan. I've been there myself twice, Amman and Aqaba. They know I'm a
Jew who came from israel and they are all polite and as happy as people
are with strangers. Similarly there is a lot of tourism to and from
Egypt. I've been there mnyself once, although only to Taba and only for
a few hours. Again everyone was nice (except I shouldn't have taken a
photo of the border station. That upset the guard a lot, and I think he
was angry at me. I understand that guards in many countries are
sensitive about that, but I wasn't thinking and I didn't understand it
as well as I do now when I took the picture. He took my camera and went
through it for 4 or 5 minutes. I though he was deleting lots of photos
I'd taken in Taba, but when I looked it was only the one of the border
station.) My father visited Alexandria and Cairo in 1936, and I still
want to see the pyramids, but my schedule makes that difficult.
And since the Abraham Accords, tourism between Israel and Qatar has been
booming. Qatar is expensive so a lot of people can't go, even for a
couple days, but there are thousands or 10's of thousands every year,
Israelis and Qataris in both directions. An agreement with Saudi Arabis
was near and will be again after this fighting recedes into the
The story that there is "apartheid" in Israel is a total lie, spread
partly by his stupidness, Jimmy Carter, who claimed he didn't mean it,
he was just trying to stimulate discussion or some stupid excuse. Arabs
go everywhere in Israal and in 14 months there, I've never seen an
Israeli be anything but polite to them. I've seen them at the beach,
though the mother still had on her long robes and couldn't very well go
swimming. I've seen them at Hamat Gader, the hot springs of Gader,
where 3 milddle-age women were in the pool with all their clothes on,
because of their modesty. Any swimming pool in the USA would never let
anyone go in with his or her clothes on because you can't shower first
and because of all the dust and dirt on everyone's clothes, but no one
objected, because Israelis understand modesty even if most have
different standards and they understand that Arabs have different
I've seen Arabs on the "boardwalk" at Eilat, having a good time like
everyone else. I've seen them in shopping malls, and I particularly
noticed on one occasion a woman with her young rambunctious chilren.
Even in the US a mother might have been embarrassed by loud kids like
hers who were sort of loud and runningaround not close to her, but she
was not embarrassed, not cowed or afraid of mall security (which I've
actually never seen but there must be some somewhere) or looking bad in
front of the Jews, and the Jews too were not bothered by the almost
obnoxious kids, because Jew or Arab, Israelis love kids, Jewish or Arab.
I've been to Arab towns both in Israel, shoppong at a grocery and
another day, waiting in line to withdraw money from an ATM. Everyone is
pleasant to me and they anticipate that I'll be pleasant to them. And
once in a West Bank Arab town when I had to choose between two roads and
couldn't figure out which, and I stopped to look at my map. Three
drivers, in series, stopped to help me, and they all knew I was a Jew
because of the Israeli flag I was flying from above the side window.
Eventually one pointed to the flag suggesting I take it off (because he
knows there are trouble-makers) and he or maybe the other driver had me
follow him through town to the road out of town. They could not have
been nicer.
And on the bus and the light rail there are Arabs and everyone treats
each other the same, politely, Arab or Jew.
Iraq had nothing to do with Israel.
Libya shot down iirc an American passenger plane, killing 240+ passenger
and 16 crew, mostly Americans, a lot of British and others from 19 other
countries.. Plus 10 people on the ground living in Scotland. US
retaliation had nothing to do with Israel. How can you not know that?
Unless you are just blindly listening to someone else. If Kaddafi
didn't want to be attacked, he shouldn't have done that. Maybe Israel
was part of his motivation. but we can't read his mind and it had
nothing to do with American repsonse.
Syria was having a civil war. 99+% of the fighting had nothing to do
with Israel. That didnt' keep a few people from attacking Israel which
fought back. Now that I've read to the end, I realize you don't want
Israel to fight back.
But despite this, Israel opened its fence with Syria in the Golan
Heights and treated many Syrians, including sending seriously injured to
hospitals within Israel, "Other countries in the region have also
contributed various levels of aid. Iran has been exporting between 500
and 800 tonnes of flour daily to Syria.[322] Israel supplied aid through
Operation Good Neighbor, providing medical treatment to 750 Syrians in a
field hospital located in Golan Heights where rebels say that 250 of
their fighters were treated.[323] Israel established two medical centers
inside Syria. Israel also delivered heating fuel, diesel fuel, seven
electric generators, water pipes, educational materials, flour for
bakeries, baby food, diapers, shoes and clothing. Syrian refugees in
Lebanon make up one quarter of Lebanon's population, mostly consisting
of women and children.[324] In addition, Russia has said it created six
humanitarian aid centers within Syria to support 3000 refugees in
So you didn't object and don't object to the 20,000+ rockets sent from
Gaza into Israel or all the people they killed. And you think Gaza and
Hamas should be allowed to keep doing it. Plus the rapes, unspeakable
mutilation, killing and kidnapping on Octber 6. Laarn the details and
you'll see that your Hamas friends are savages. Worse than savages. But
you still think they're okay. You're quite a guy.
Post by Binali Yildirimand now
they are doing the same with Lebanon.
So you think it's okay that Hexbolllah launches rockets at Israeli
towns? Unprovoked. It appears by you killing Jews is okay and Israel
shouldn't try to stop it. And in the other post you said antisemitism
didn't exist. LOL.
Post by Binali YildirimIran is next on their list and with American blessings they will do it
until Russia and China enters the war with a big bang. USA will then
start telling Israel that enough is enough.
Have you noticed that USA didn't bomb Syria because Russians were there.
By the way, Iran has nothing to lose. They will use their half finished
nuclear bomb because they know that they can't face USA. UK and Israel
at the same time so they might as well use the bomb to see what happens
to Israel. It might not kill 1000s but the land would be inhabitable for
decades to come. Other Arab countries would be safe from Israeli terrorists.
On German sites they are writing that Adolf Hitler didn't do a good job
for the final solution and they are right here it seems.
I'm not surprised. Your posts make it clear you are in favor of mass
Your hate is great enough there's no reason to think even you believe
the nonsense charges you've made.