Wendelin Uez
2024-10-29 07:21:15 UTC
I want to execute a taskplaner action even if the machine is sleeping.
Windows taskplaner tasks can have an attribute set to wake up the machine if
sleeping at executoin time. Although I set this option my laptop does not
wake up.
In the energy saving plan there is an option like "allow timer for
activation". I think this setting should allow to run a timer even if
sleeping to wakeup at proper time. But I cannot find any change if this
option is set or not.
I've read that there are several levels of sleeping status, but it doesn't
make a difference if sleeping is invoked via energy saving plan or by using
"%windir%\System32\rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState"
Windows taskplaner tasks can have an attribute set to wake up the machine if
sleeping at executoin time. Although I set this option my laptop does not
wake up.
In the energy saving plan there is an option like "allow timer for
activation". I think this setting should allow to run a timer even if
sleeping to wakeup at proper time. But I cannot find any change if this
option is set or not.
I've read that there are several levels of sleeping status, but it doesn't
make a difference if sleeping is invoked via energy saving plan or by using
"%windir%\System32\rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState"