On Sat, 16 Mar 2024 21:03:41 -0400, Paul <***@needed.invalid>
Sir, thank you for such a detailed and thoughtful reply. I'll respond
to some points inline if that's okay?
Thank you.
Post by PaulPost by JohnHi,
I have "broadband" through an Alcatel 5G router/modem/hotspot
which *says* it is supported by W-7) mobile thing. This works
wonderfully well on my MacBook Pro and the MiniMac that was gifted to
me a few weeks ago.
It does not work on my Win-7 Ultimate box.
https://www.alcatelmobile.com/support/product-support/ does link to
but neither tell me how to coerce Win-7 into discovering the Alcatel.
I have a Ralink Wi-Fi adaptor if that helps. The software that
came with it has a "create hotspot" option but no way to find my
mobile thingy.
doesn't have Win-7 listed as compatible with mobile hotspots .
That linkie also introduces one to the Wiki rabbit-hole where "Mobil
Broadband", "Hotspot", "Tethering" and "Mediatek.com" are only some of
the highlights.
I've had a look around in "Devices" on my W-7 box and even though I
did attach the Alcatel box to the Win-7 box by USB and watched as
Win-7 said it was adding the device's setup information and installing
it, the Alcatel doesn't appear in the list. Not even if I click on
"view hidden".
The Alcatel does have a "phone number" I could use to link to to
"dial it up" from the Win-7 box but I've no idea how to get "Network
Settings" to do this.
My Win-7 box is from 2013 (or perhaps 2012?) but it handles "real"
landline-supported Wi-fi broadband with ease. I'm puzzled as to why it
doesn't "see" the Alcatel box.
Any help or helpful suggestions would be very, very much appreciated.
Thank you.
This isn't the kind of device you were thinking it was.
No. Probably not.
It does seem to work more like a mobile telephone that only allows
tethering to its hotspot than any router or modem I'm familiar with.
As I have never used a "smart" phone with tethering to its hotspot
that is not something I'm familiar with.
Post by PaulIt's not going to have a USB driver,
Okay, but Win-7 did say that the Alcatel was being installed when I
charged it using the Win-7 box's USB port. What it installed I have no
Post by Paulor show up in USBTreeView,
because it claims the USB is only for charging the batter.
Well, it did that. Lights come on.
The problem with leaving it attached to the Win-7 box is that the USB
ports seem to switch off, power down, which means that the connection
to the universe dies and it takes *ages* to reconnect. So I attached
he Alcatel to a wall-socket using a charger-block. As I said
previously, this works for the Mac's but the Win-7 box doesn't see the
Post by PaulDevices like this can be taken to Starbucks and run for seven
hours off the internal battery.
So it says. Never having been inside a "Starbucks", and only having
had the toy for a couple of days, I'd need to take that one on trust.
Tha battery is huge, though. Bigger than some digital camera battery
packs. What that means, if anything, is anyone's guess.
Post by PaulBoth "sides" of the device are
wireless. Windows 7 has a Wireless interface for the right-hand-side
of the device, so you're right, Windows 7 is ready for Wifi. The PC
or laptop you connect with, should have a Wifi interface on it
I'm not using it as PC-to-PC but as a router for the broadband, 5g
link. That there are mother devices on its network is a coincidence.
The SIM is my tunnel into the cosmos from the Alcatel and it works
fine with the Mac's.
Post by Paul(only my laptop has that permanently affixed, my desktops use adapters).
| 4G LTE (overlaps 5G) (webserver) Wifi Home | Seven hour battery life
+------------------------ modem/router box ---------------+
| 4G LTE (overlaps 5G) (webserver) Wifi Home | Seven hour battery life
+------------------------ modem/router box ---------------+
+---- MicroUSB battery charging cable (led indicator, charge state)
If device has been touched by an ISP or provider, it can have
some URLs loaded into the interface. One of the URLs allows
the device to connect, and to download firmware updates.
It has a "web-based device management" page but I thought that was
inside the chips in the box - firmware. On the Mac's this works
Post by PaulThe device should not be interrupted while flashing itself.
Presumably it has a boot loader that allows recovery from
failed flashes, but the documentation does not admit to that.
Okay. Point taken. I've flashed PC ROM's and other thingys so I know
it's a do-or-die process at times. However, there's no indicator
telling me *when* the Alcatel is being remotely fingered so that
could, someday, become an issue.
So far, not.
Post by PaulAlso, once the device has a SIM loaded and is connected and
authenticated with the telephone company, they may again be
able to reach into the device and administer it, including
changing the firmware loading URL.
Yeah. We "buy" the bloody things but Microsoft, Google and Apple
*own* them all. At least they think they do.
I do not like that arrogant, nasty, money-grubbing attitude but I'm
stuck with it as they are slightly larger and have more lawyers than
Post by PaulStep.
1:. Use.the.Wi-Fi.manager.on.the.Wi-Fi.embedded.device.to.select.the.network.name.(SSID).
Done on Macs. Works fine. It actually has two names, "*.2.4G" and
"*.5G" and I'm currently using the latter.
It webs-up, emails, BOINCs and GIMPSes with grace and joy but only on
the Mac's not on the Win-7 box. The latter doesn't see it.
Post by PaulThe PDF file is written like a ransom note. Classy.
A Taiwanese company. They probably have millions of tech guys and
marketing droids who speak, read and write excellent English but they
may not *think* in English when doing technical stuff.
It's an issue when you have a global economy with ten million
Post by PaulCopy/pasting that sentence was an adventure.
So first you'll connect from Win7 to device, as if the box
was a Wifi router.
No, I won't as that is the step I don't get to. The bloody box is not
discoverable by Win-7. Well, not *my* Win-7. I have a list of Wi-fi
routers to link to in the houses of neighbours but the Alcatel just
does not appear on it.
Post by PaulThe default Wifi key is also on the
bottom of the box.
Yeah, I've sort of changed that to one I like a little better.
Post by PaulV V
| 4G LTE (overlaps 5G) (webserver) Wifi Home | Seven hour battery life
+------------------------ modem/router box ---------------+
<=== Win7, use SSID and password-on-box-bottom
I can't. Win-7 doesn't see the box. Not at all. Not even a littley
Post by PaulOnce connected, use your browser to program the device.
Yerp, that works fine on the Mac's (MBP and Mini) but not on the
2013, Win-7 Ultimate machine.
Post by Paulhttp://
Maybe I could use that were I connected to it but at present I can't.
Post by PaulOn that page (the administrator login page), the default login password
is "admin". You can change the password of the web server login at some point.
Yerp, done that, thank you.
Post by PaulThe Wifi can operate on 2.4Ghz or on 5Ghz, the first may be more noisy
Wait ... oh, fuck moment?
Oh! Oh! Oh, *FUCK*!
Thank you, Sir. That works. :)
Post by Paulthan the second, but the first has better wall penetration power.
Welll, yes. It penetrates the thickness of my WIn-7 box!
Thank you.
Post by PaulAt some
point they will ask you what country you are in, and that affects
channel definition, center frequency of Wifi channel and so on.
Nah. I think that's inside the SIM.
Post by PaulPresumably it has DHCP and assigns some other address like
to the client device or devices. Secondary devices may be able to
connect, once the thing is programmed via your Admin session.
Yerp. Cool. Thanks.
I can now access the alcatel (Hell, that sounds like something the
Goa'uld would be flying in "Stargate"), the cosmos, and the
administrator web-page for the box from my Win-7 box.
You are a genius. And very helpful. And nice.
Thank you.
Post by PaulDon't ask me why it has a "battery door".
Digital cameras do. Well, mine does. Some mobile 'phones, too.
Post by PaulLithium cells are not
normally to be exposed to civilians.
They are in UKland. A lot. Maybe we're more trustworthy? :)
Post by PaulMaybe the SIM slot is hidden
under the battery cover ? Dunno.
Good guess and entirely correct. This is also the case with many,
many telephones in UKland.
Post by PaulWhile it has details for the 4G, and a phone number is required
for operation, I don't really understand why that would be
necessary if it has a SIM.
I asked. It's corporate bullshit. They classify the 5G broadband
contract as a mobile telephone one for tax purposes. As the buggers
are bigger than me, as usual, I'm not arguing.
They don't *charge* me for the mobile, they just charge me for the
"ISP" bit. Or so they said. I'll eventually find out.
Post by PaulBut I'm not a cell user, so I don't
know that stuff.
I sort of do, a bit. I needed mobiles when I was working. Today, no
one ever phones me unless they want money.
Anyway, I have a functional Alcatel and you have made me very happy.
Thank you.
You did a very, very good thing. :)