Pale Moon Increasingly unsupported
(too old to reply)
Java Jive
2024-04-05 12:32:21 UTC
X-post for Linux & Windows as this is about cross-OS browser support ...

Sometime yesterday YouTube changed something about their site that means
that now it breaks in the latest v33.0.2 of Pale Moon on W7 64-bit ...


... and over time I've increasingly been noticing similar problems in
Linux, though I haven't tried that particular site under that OS. Sites
that don't work any more in Pale Moon include my bank, my website host,
eBay, Tesco, etc.

I could just use the latest version 115.9.1esr of Firefox, which loads
all of them just fine ...


... but my reason for using Pale Moon in the first place is that I find
Firefox quite resource heavy by comparison.

What are suggestions for a reasonably light-weight cross-OS browser that
would load the sites above successfully?
Fake news kills!

I may be contacted via the contact address given on my website:
Marco Moock
2024-04-05 12:39:25 UTC
Post by Java Jive
Sometime yesterday YouTube changed something about their site that
means that now it breaks in the latest v33.0.2 of Pale Moon on W7
64-bit ...
Look in the F12 error console. Maybe post in the Pale Moon forum, so
they can fix it.

Use invidious until it is fixed.
Post by Java Jive
... and over time I've increasingly been noticing similar problems in
Linux, though I haven't tried that particular site under that OS.
Should be unrelated to the OS.
Post by Java Jive
Sites that don't work any more in Pale Moon include my bank, my
website host, eBay, Tesco, etc.
Did you report them on the Pale Moon forum?
Post by Java Jive
What are suggestions for a reasonably light-weight cross-OS browser
that would load the sites above successfully?
Mostly impossible.
Maybe try Basilisk, but it is also UXP.
Java Jive
2024-04-06 13:04:35 UTC
Post by Marco Moock
Post by Java Jive
Sometime yesterday YouTube changed something about their site that
means that now it breaks in the latest v33.0.2 of Pale Moon on W7
64-bit ...
Look in the F12 error console. Maybe post in the Pale Moon forum, so
they can fix it.
Thanks, done. This is what I see:

Content Security Policy: Couldn’t process unknown directive
Content Security Policy: Couldn’t parse invalid host 'report-sample'
Content Security Policy: Ignoring “'unsafe-inline'” within script-src or
style-src: nonce-source or hash-source specified
LegacyDataMixin will be applied to all legacy elements.
Set `_legacyUndefinedCheck: true` on element class to enable.
Fake news kills!

I may be contacted via the contact address given on my website:
Java Jive
2024-04-07 00:34:15 UTC
Post by Java Jive
Post by Marco Moock
Post by Java Jive
Sometime yesterday YouTube changed something about their site that
means that now it breaks in the latest v33.0.2 of Pale Moon on W7
64-bit ...
Look in the F12 error console. Maybe post in the Pale Moon forum, so
they can fix it.
Content Security Policy: Couldn’t process unknown directive
Content Security Policy: Couldn’t parse invalid host 'report-sample'
Content Security Policy: Ignoring “'unsafe-inline'” within script-src or
style-src: nonce-source or hash-source specified
LegacyDataMixin will be applied to all legacy elements.
Set `_legacyUndefinedCheck: true` on element class to enable.
In the Pale Moon Forum the answer that came back was to try recreating
my profile. I created a clean test profile and YouTube worked in it, so
now I've copied most of my settings from the old profile to the new one
- a thorough bore to do, but most of the sites are working again now:

Now working:
My bank
My web host's control panel and online email

Still not working:

It's still a mystery why YouTube should suddenly have stopped working in
the middle of a session without my apparently doing anything to make it
happen, but I guess that's Chaos Theory for you.

For those for whom it might be useful ...

As there doesn't seem to be a Pale Moon equivalent of the Firefox switch
to create a profile, or at least I couldn't find documentation of one,
directly edit the file ...

Moonchild Productions\Pale Moon\profiles.ini"

... and copy the section for the old profile into a new section,
increasing the profile number, changing the name to something memorable,
giving it a suitable path. Create the subdirectory for the specified
path. Then see the next section for how to load the profile.

To load two profiles simultaneously, use command-line switches of the
following form (the -no-remote switch ensures that the two windows do
not share code instances and therefore cannot corrupt each other):

"<path>\palemoon.exe" --no-remote -P <profile name>

To copy important features between profiles (for the first, the
passwords, you should be signed out of both profiles when doing so) ...

Copy from the old profile to the new ...
key3.db (possibly redundant now)
signons.sqlite (possibly redundant now)

Choose Bookmarks, Organise Bookmarks, Import and Backup:
Backup -> Restore overwrites any bookmarks in the new profile
Export -> Import adds your old bookmarks to the new profile

To copy add-ons such as extensions, copy relevant *.xpi files between
the profiles, then for each choose Tools, Add-ons, click the
Gear/Cog-wheel button towards the top-right, and choose Install Add-on
From File.
Fake news kills!

I may be contacted via the contact address given on my website:
Java Jive
2024-04-07 11:46:15 UTC
Post by Java Jive
Post by Java Jive
Post by Marco Moock
Post by Java Jive
Sometime yesterday YouTube changed something about their site that
means that now it breaks in the latest v33.0.2 of Pale Moon on W7
64-bit ...
Look in the F12 error console. Maybe post in the Pale Moon forum, so
they can fix it.
Content Security Policy: Couldn’t process unknown directive
Content Security Policy: Couldn’t parse invalid host 'report-sample'
Content Security Policy: Ignoring “'unsafe-inline'” within script-src
or style-src: nonce-source or hash-source specified
LegacyDataMixin will be applied to all legacy elements.
Set `_legacyUndefinedCheck: true` on element class to enable.
In the Pale Moon Forum the answer that came back was to try recreating
my profile.  I created a clean test profile and YouTube worked in it, so
now I've copied most of my settings from the old profile to the new one
    My bank
    My web host's control panel and online email
It's still a mystery why YouTube should suddenly have stopped working in
the middle of a session without my apparently doing anything to make it
happen, but I guess that's Chaos Theory for you.
For those for whom it might be useful ...
As there doesn't seem to be a Pale Moon equivalent of the Firefox switch
to create a profile, or at least I couldn't find documentation of one,
directly edit the file ...
For Linux:

~/.moonchild productions/pale moon/profiles.ini
Post by Java Jive
        Moonchild Productions\Pale Moon\profiles.ini"
.... and copy the section for the old profile into a new section,
increasing the profile number, changing the name to something memorable,
giving it a suitable path.  Create the subdirectory for the specified
path.  Then see the next section for how to load the profile.
To load two profiles simultaneously, use command-line switches of the
following form (the -no-remote switch ensures that the two windows do
"<path>\palemoon.exe" --no-remote -P <profile name>
To copy important features between profiles (for the first, the
passwords, you should be signed out of both profiles when doing so) ...
   Copy from the old profile to the new ...
    key3.db (possibly redundant now)
        signons.sqlite (possibly redundant now)
        Backup -> Restore overwrites any bookmarks in the new profile
    Export -> Import adds your old bookmarks to the new profile
To copy add-ons such as extensions, copy relevant *.xpi files between
the profiles, then for each choose Tools, Add-ons, click the
Gear/Cog-wheel button towards the top-right, and choose Install Add-on
From File.
Fake news kills!

I may be contacted via the contact address given on my website:
Goetz Schultz
2024-04-05 13:06:24 UTC
Post by Java Jive
X-post for Linux & Windows as this is about cross-OS browser support ...
Sometime yesterday YouTube changed something about their site that means
that now it breaks in the latest v33.0.2 of Pale Moon on W7 64-bit ...
... and over time I've increasingly been noticing similar problems in
Linux, though I haven't tried that particular site under that OS.  Sites
that don't work any more in Pale Moon include my bank, my website host,
eBay, Tesco, etc.
I could just use the latest version 115.9.1esr of Firefox, which loads
all of them just fine ...
... but my reason for using Pale Moon in the first place is that I find
Firefox quite resource heavy by comparison.
What are suggestions for a reasonably light-weight cross-OS browser that
would load the sites above successfully?
Tried ebay & YT with the latest PM and cannotfind any faults. Appears to
work with no issue. There was an issue once with NextCloud, but that has
been fixed as it appears.

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
\ / ASCII Ribbon Campaign
X against HTML e-mail
/ \
Java Jive
2024-04-05 18:23:39 UTC
Post by Goetz Schultz
Post by Java Jive
X-post for Linux & Windows as this is about cross-OS browser support ...
Sometime yesterday YouTube changed something about their site that
means that now it breaks in the latest v33.0.2 of Pale Moon on W7
64-bit ...
What are suggestions for a reasonably light-weight cross-OS browser
that would load the sites above successfully?
Tried ebay & YT with the latest PM and cannotfind any faults. Appears to
work with no issue. There was an issue once with NextCloud, but that has
been fixed as it appears.
That's odd. EBay has had a problem signing in for some time, but the
problem with YouTube definitely began for me around mid-afternoon
yesterday, although it was the same version and session of PM as in the
morning, then I tried closing and relaunching, etc, but the results have
been consistently the same since then. I have YesScript & UBlock Origin
loaded, but they've never been a problem before, and temporarily
disabling the latter (the former is disabled by default, it is only
invoked on the user activating it for a site, which I haven't) didn't
achieve anything.

What version of PM are you using, and what do you get for this URL?

Fake news kills!

I may be contacted via the contact address given on my website:
Goetz Schultz
2024-04-05 19:39:42 UTC
Post by Goetz Schultz
Post by Java Jive
X-post for Linux & Windows as this is about cross-OS browser support ...
Sometime yesterday YouTube changed something about their site that
means that now it breaks in the latest v33.0.2 of Pale Moon on W7
64-bit ...
What are suggestions for a reasonably light-weight cross-OS browser
that would load the sites above successfully?
Tried ebay & YT with the latest PM and cannotfind any faults. Appears
to work with no issue. There was an issue once with NextCloud, but
that has been fixed as it appears.
That's odd.  EBay has had a problem signing in for some time, but the
problem with YouTube definitely began for me around mid-afternoon
yesterday, although it was the same version and session of PM as in the
morning, then I tried closing and relaunching, etc, but the results have
been consistently the same since then.  I have YesScript & UBlock Origin
loaded, but they've never been a problem before, and temporarily
disabling the latter (the former is disabled by default, it is only
invoked on the user activating it for a site, which I haven't) didn't
achieve anything.
What version of PM are you using, and what do you get for this URL?

should have mentioned, I am on the Linux side (Fedora 38) with PM 33.0.2.

The link comes back with search results - also µBlockOrigin and eMatriz
installed and active.

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
\ / ASCII Ribbon Campaign
X against HTML e-mail
/ \
Java Jive
2024-04-06 10:09:08 UTC
Post by Goetz Schultz
That's odd.  EBay has had a problem signing in for some time, but the
problem with YouTube definitely began for me around mid-afternoon
yesterday, although it was the same version and session of PM as in
the morning, then I tried closing and relaunching, etc, but the
results have been consistently the same since then.  I have YesScript
& UBlock Origin loaded, but they've never been a problem before, and
temporarily disabling the latter (the former is disabled by default,
it is only invoked on the user activating it for a site, which I
haven't) didn't achieve anything.
What version of PM are you using, and what do you get for this URL?
should have mentioned, I am on the Linux side (Fedora 38) with PM 33.0.2.
The link comes back with search results - also µBlockOrigin and eMatriz
installed and active.
Thanks. I have an older version 29 of PM on Ubuntu 22, and it's doing
the same thing. Back here on W7, I tried clearing all the YouTube
cookies, but it made no difference. I'm now officially baffled. Leave
it with me.

Afterthought, I wonder if there is there any way this could this be an
IP4 vs IP6 thing? For various reasons I suspect my mobile broadband
doesn't support IP6.
Fake news kills!

I may be contacted via the contact address given on my website:
2024-04-05 16:22:33 UTC
"Java Jive" <***@evij.com.invalid> wrote

| Sometime yesterday YouTube changed something about their site that means
| that now it breaks in the latest v33.0.2 of Pale Moon on W7 64-bit ...

Not surprising. PM is based on the Goanna engine. Script
is changing so fast that nothing but FF is keeping up. I
now find pages in New Moon (PM for XP) are sometimes
completely blank because the page is essentially javascript
software and NM can't make sense of it.

I was going to install PM as an alternate on Win10, but then
I realized they also have few extensions. They block NoScript
because they're afraid people might blame broken pages on
PM when they block script. In brief, PM isn't what it used to be.
For years PM/NM has been my preferred browser.

I did a bit of looking around and decided on Ungoogled Chromium
as an alternate in a pinch. I have no preferred alternate to FF.
UGC is too much like Chrome to use normally. It's now actually
impossible to get a title bar or menu bar. The former I can
live with. But being forced to take several steps down
from a hamburger menu that's designed for cellphones, with
no possible justification, is just too crazy for regular use. In
general I dislike the lack of control in Chrom*. (I also tried
to remove the experiments icon on the toolbar. So far no luck.
In FF I just drag such things out of the window and into the
customization window.)
And I had to jump through hoops to install extensions in UGC.
Google won't allow downloading them without an account. (!)
So there's a custom extension for getting extensions from the
Google Store. :)

I'll likely use UGC only for rare occasions where FF has
a problem.

I used Waterfox for awhile. It seemed fine, but not notably
attractive in any way. The PM/NM browsers have been attractive in
being leaner and faster than FF.
J. P. Gilliver
2024-04-05 20:56:29 UTC
In message <uup8gn$1fo0j$***@dont-email.me> at Fri, 5 Apr 2024 12:22:33,
Newyana2 <***@invalid.nospam> writes
Post by Newyana2
I did a bit of looking around and decided on Ungoogled Chromium
as an alternate in a pinch. I have no preferred alternate to FF.
UGC is too much like Chrome to use normally. It's now actually
impossible to get a title bar or menu bar. The former I can
live with. But being forced to take several steps down
Yes, the title bar removal is infuriating - especially as it is there
really, but is suppressed; you see it during minimise and restore (at
least I did on my previous machine - too quick on this one), and when it
crashes. I use an extension called Show Title Tag, which shows it,
albeit in small text in the corner of the page (you can choose which
corner, and easily change it).
Post by Newyana2
from a hamburger menu that's designed for cellphones, with
no possible justification, is just too crazy for regular use. In
I fear we can't fight the 'phones )-:. [Having said that, there are
keyboard shortcuts for a lot of the things in menus, but it's
remembering them!]
Post by Newyana2
general I dislike the lack of control in Chrom*. (I also tried
to remove the experiments icon on the toolbar. So far no luck.
I don't _think_ I've got that one - what does it look like?
Post by Newyana2
In FF I just drag such things out of the window and into the
customization window.)
Yes; I always found that a weird UI, but once you're used to it, it
works well.
Post by Newyana2
And I had to jump through hoops to install extensions in UGC.
Google won't allow downloading them without an account. (!)
So there's a custom extension for getting extensions from the
Google Store. :)
J. P. Gilliver. UMRA: 1960/<1985 MB++G()AL-IS-Ch++(p)***@T+H+Sh0!:`)DNAf

Chopsticks are one of the reasons the Chinese never invented custard
(Spike Milligan)
2024-04-05 21:29:06 UTC
"J. P. Gilliver" <***@255soft.uk> wrote

| I don't _think_ I've got that one - what does it look like?

Like a chemistry flask. The kind that's wide at the bottom.
There are options there to deny taking part in their spyware.
I don't know how that fits with the Ungoogled people. I'm
not exactly clear how it's unGoogled. Though I very much
liked that it didn't assign me a search engine. Civility is
always a good sign. :)
J. P. Gilliver
2024-04-05 22:28:29 UTC
Post by Newyana2
| I don't _think_ I've got that one - what does it look like?
Like a chemistry flask. The kind that's wide at the bottom.
I definitely don't have it. But then I just have ordinary Chrome, not
the unGoogled one.
Post by Newyana2
There are options there to deny taking part in their spyware.
I don't know how that fits with the Ungoogled people. I'm
not exactly clear how it's unGoogled. Though I very much
liked that it didn't assign me a search engine. Civility is
always a good sign. :)
I never use whatever the default is (i. e. where you type your search
term[s] into the address bar) - I always specifically use a search one.
(I have the "Advanced search" as my home page.)
J. P. Gilliver. UMRA: 1960/<1985 MB++G()AL-IS-Ch++(p)***@T+H+Sh0!:`)DNAf

Sometimes I'm so sweet even I can't stand it. ~ Julie Andrews
2024-04-06 01:03:01 UTC
Post by Newyana2
| I don't _think_ I've got that one - what does it look like?
Like a chemistry flask. The kind that's wide at the bottom.
There are options there to deny taking part in their spyware.
I don't know how that fits with the Ungoogled people. I'm
not exactly clear how it's unGoogled. Though I very much
liked that it didn't assign me a search engine. Civility is
always a good sign. :)
The Florence flask is round on the bottom. This makes it a bit tippy. I don't like these.


The Erlenmeyer flask has a kind of vaguely triangular bottom. This is the workhorse flask. <===

Loading Image....webp

Distillations are done with ground glass fitted "round bottomed flasks". And electric
heating mantles (with a Variac for control). Rather than Bunsen burner (safety...)
The smaller round bottomed flasks are used in rotary evaporators.

Loading Image...

Everyone knows what a beaker looks like. What some don't know, is when
the beakers get big enough (four liters), they're easy to break just by heating them
too fast. If you wanted to boil four liters of water that way, it might be
safer to tie the flat-bottomed heater to a variac, and bring it up slowly.
The small beakers are much more dependable. And of course, in the lab, everyone
enjoys four liters of scalding hot water going everywhere in an instant.

This one is a reactor.

Loading Image...

What's interesting, is every one of those I look up is "out of stock".
How... unusual :-) This is why ghetto chemists make Meth in two liter
Coke bottles. That's the standard vessel of a ghetto chemist. If
you see an icon of a shaken Coke bottle, that means "Ghetto Chemistry".

Char Jackson
2024-04-06 04:56:44 UTC
Post by Paul
Everyone knows what a beaker looks like. What some don't know, is when
the beakers get big enough (four liters), they're easy to break just by heating them
too fast. If you wanted to boil four liters of water that way, it might be
safer to tie the flat-bottomed heater to a variac, and bring it up slowly.
The small beakers are much more dependable. And of course, in the lab, everyone
enjoys four liters of scalding hot water going everywhere in an instant.
In grade school science class, we were heating some kind of potassium compound,
bringing it to a boil and capturing the hydrogen that boiled off. The teacher
warned us not to turn the Bunsen burners up too far, so of course my lab partner
cranked up the heat to see what would happen and it exploded. I had glass
embedded from my left wrist up to my shoulder. I was famous for the rest of the
2024-04-06 15:58:58 UTC
Post by Char Jackson
Post by Paul
Everyone knows what a beaker looks like. What some don't know, is when
the beakers get big enough (four liters), they're easy to break just by heating them
too fast. If you wanted to boil four liters of water that way, it might be
safer to tie the flat-bottomed heater to a variac, and bring it up slowly.
The small beakers are much more dependable. And of course, in the lab, everyone
enjoys four liters of scalding hot water going everywhere in an instant.
In grade school science class, we were heating some kind of potassium compound,
bringing it to a boil and capturing the hydrogen that boiled off. The teacher
warned us not to turn the Bunsen burners up too far, so of course my lab partner
cranked up the heat to see what would happen and it exploded. I had glass
embedded from my left wrist up to my shoulder. I was famous for the rest of the
Your lab partner, presumably being clever enough to run away before it went off :-)

A good lab partner will do that.

Char Jackson
2024-04-06 21:35:22 UTC
Post by Paul
Post by Char Jackson
Post by Paul
Everyone knows what a beaker looks like. What some don't know, is when
the beakers get big enough (four liters), they're easy to break just by heating them
too fast. If you wanted to boil four liters of water that way, it might be
safer to tie the flat-bottomed heater to a variac, and bring it up slowly.
The small beakers are much more dependable. And of course, in the lab, everyone
enjoys four liters of scalding hot water going everywhere in an instant.
In grade school science class, we were heating some kind of potassium compound,
bringing it to a boil and capturing the hydrogen that boiled off. The teacher
warned us not to turn the Bunsen burners up too far, so of course my lab partner
cranked up the heat to see what would happen and it exploded. I had glass
embedded from my left wrist up to my shoulder. I was famous for the rest of the
Your lab partner, presumably being clever enough to run away before it went off :-)
A good lab partner will do that.
That might have been the smart thing to do but she stuck around and took
J. P. Gilliver
2024-04-06 08:55:46 UTC
Post by Paul
Post by Newyana2
| I don't _think_ I've got that one - what does it look like?
Like a chemistry flask. The kind that's wide at the bottom.
Post by Paul
The Florence flask is round on the bottom. This makes it a bit tippy. I don't like these.
I did chemistry O and A level, and can't now think of why those existed.
Post by Paul
The Erlenmeyer flask has a kind of vaguely triangular bottom. This is
the workhorse flask. <===
I think that's what Newyana2 meant.
Post by Paul
Distillations are done with ground glass fitted "round bottomed
Post by Paul
Everyone knows what a beaker looks like. What some don't know, is when
Post by Paul
The small beakers are much more dependable. And of course, in the lab, everyone
Post by Paul
What's interesting, is every one of those I look up is "out of stock".
How... unusual :-) This is why ghetto chemists make Meth in two liter
Coke bottles. That's the standard vessel of a ghetto chemist. If
you see an icon of a shaken Coke bottle, that means "Ghetto Chemistry".
Is there any subject you _don't_ know something about! [Or are you a
meth cook ... (-:] Though I too like to know a little about a lot.
Generally makes people suspicious, I've found!
J. P. Gilliver. UMRA: 1960/<1985 MB++G()AL-IS-Ch++(p)***@T+H+Sh0!:`)DNAf

Look out for #1. Don't step in #2 either.
2024-04-06 11:52:54 UTC
Post by J. P. Gilliver
Post by Paul
I think that's what Newyana2 meant.
Yes. You don't see that? Could it be only for some instances,
as a sample set? But it's not just the flask. I can't find a way
to get rid of anything. I was able to add a Home icon, but nothing
else seems to be adjustable.

But it doesn't much matter. The whole UI is so disappointing
that I don't expect to be using UGC. I can understand Google's
strategy. They want browsing as an ad-infested service and
don't want people controlling it. But I don't understand why a
group of people would go to all the trouble of removing Google
from the source code and yet leave such design flaws.
2024-04-06 14:13:06 UTC
Is there any subject you _don't_ know something about! [Or are you a meth cook ... (-:] Though I too like to know a little about a lot. Generally makes people suspicious, I've found!
I got two degrees at uni.

This is me getting my Chemistry degree.

Loading Image...

2024-04-06 10:57:27 UTC
Post by Newyana2
| Sometime yesterday YouTube changed something about their site that means
| that now it breaks in the latest v33.0.2 of Pale Moon on W7 64-bit ...
Not surprising. PM is based on the Goanna engine. Script
is changing so fast that nothing but FF is keeping up. I
mmm, really ? I find it more frequent to have problems with
FF than with chrome-based variants (ungoogled chromium,
brave, opera, vivaldi).
I could be possibly due to the load of privacy guardians
extentions I have in FF. Particularly they prevent every
recaptcha site to work under FF.
Post by Newyana2
now find pages in New Moon (PM for XP) are sometimes
completely blank because the page is essentially javascript
software and NM can't make sense of it.
I was going to install PM as an alternate on Win10, but then
I realized they also have few extensions. They block NoScript
because they're afraid people might blame broken pages on
PM when they block script. In brief, PM isn't what it used to be.
For years PM/NM has been my preferred browser.
I did a bit of looking around and decided on Ungoogled Chromium
as an alternate in a pinch. I have no preferred alternate to FF.
UGC is too much like Chrome to use normally. It's now actually
impossible to get a title bar or menu bar. The former I can
live with. But being forced to take several steps down
from a hamburger menu that's designed for cellphones, with
no possible justification, is just too crazy for regular use. In
general I dislike the lack of control in Chrom*. (I also tried
to remove the experiments icon on the toolbar. So far no luck.
In FF I just drag such things out of the window and into the
customization window.)
And I had to jump through hoops to install extensions in UGC.
Google won't allow downloading them without an account. (!)
So there's a custom extension for getting extensions from the
Google Store. :)
I'll likely use UGC only for rare occasions where FF has
a problem.
I used Waterfox for awhile. It seemed fine, but not notably
attractive in any way. The PM/NM browsers have been attractive in
being leaner and faster than FF.
1) Resistere, resistere, resistere.
2) Se tutti pagano le tasse, le tasse le pagano tutti
2024-04-05 22:43:39 UTC
Post by Java Jive
X-post for Linux & Windows as this is about cross-OS browser support ...
Sometime yesterday YouTube changed something about their site that means
that now it breaks in the latest v33.0.2 of Pale Moon on W7 64-bit ...
.... and over time I've increasingly been noticing similar problems in
Linux, though I haven't tried that particular site under that OS. Sites
that don't work any more in Pale Moon include my bank, my website host,
eBay, Tesco, etc.
I could just use the latest version 115.9.1esr of Firefox, which loads
all of them just fine ...
.... but my reason for using Pale Moon in the first place is that I find
Firefox quite resource heavy by comparison.
What are suggestions for a reasonably light-weight cross-OS browser that
would load the sites above successfully?
While YouTube does change things all the time, this one is not YouTube's
fault since it's still work fine in PM 28.9.1 (UA Firefox 68.9). Same OS and

Loading Image...