Post by j***@astraweb.comDoes anyone know of a batch file command to address the clipboard contents?
(Using win 7 dos emulator)
(No batch file usenet groups seem to be active on astraweb)
set - set the specified text into the clipboard.
readfile - set the content of the specified text file into the
clear - clear the clipboard.
writefile - write the content of the clipboard to a file. (text only)
writeufile - write the content of the clipboard to a Unicode file.
(text only)
addfile - add the content of the clipboard to a file. (text only)
addufile - add the content of the clipboard to a Unicode file.
(text only)
saveimage - Save the current image in the clipboard into a file.
copyimage - Copy the content of the specified image file to the
saveclp - Save the current clipboard data into Windows .clp file.
loadclp - Load Windows .clp file into the clipboard.