Post by R.WieserFirst off, I'm (stil) using XP, but as that newsgroup seems to be
pretty-much dead ...
Lack of volume does not necessitate death. Did you try posting there to
see if you got a response in a couple days? I and others still monitor
the XP newsgroup, but that doesn't mean we respond unless we think we
can help.
Post by R.WieserI just realized that I /way/ more often minimize a window than that I
maximize it. As such a am wondering if there is setting which will
globally change a double-click on a windows caption to minimizing the
A hotkey sequence you can use on the focused window is to press
Winkey+downarrow to reduce size. If the window is maximized,
Winkey+downarrow changes to normal sized window. If the window is
normal sized, Winkey+downarrow minimizes the window. Same for the
Winkey+uparrow hotkey combo. This only works on the active window (the
one with focus).
Winkey+M minimizes all windows. Winkey+Shift+M restores them.
Although the trend has been to hide the Control menu of a window, often
Alt+Space will show it. N will minimize, and x will maximize, so you
can use Alt+Space N or Alt+Space X.
There is probably 3rd-party software that will alter windows behavior.
I hear (never used) Actual Window Manager has an option for what you
want: Looks like it is
I've read where you can do a registry edit in Win7/8/10/11, but don't
know if it was available back in WinXP. Run regedit, and edit:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop
Create a string valued item named SnapSizing.
Set to 1 (enable) or 0 (disable)
Mine is set to 1 which means double-clicking on the titlebar will
maximize that window. I have not tested with it set to 0 (disable) to
see what double-clicking will do on the titlebar. Just because a
registry setting exists for a later version of Windows doesn't mean it
is recognized in an earlier version of Windows. Likewise, registry
settings may get dropped, and creating them in a later version of
Windows may not get them recognized and honored. I don't know that
disabling double-click on the titlebar changes the maximize action to
the minimize action, or if nothing then happens when double-clicking the
Of course, you're not saving any mouse clicks. You'll either
double-click to minimize, or you'll single-click on the dash ("-") icon
to minimize the window.
If the app's code controls the action of double-clicking on the
titlebar, the Windows setting is overridden.