Post by PaulPost by Daniel65<Snip>
Post by Char JacksonBut of course. 64-bit Windows can run 64-bit and 32-bit executables,
while 32-bit Windows can run 32-bit and 16-bit executables. That
capability is called WoW, or Windows on Windows.
Char, when I brought this HP 6730b 64bit machine it had 32bit Windows7 WOW installed on it. I've since installed, dual boot, a 64bit MageiaLinux OS.
Are you suggesting (if I had a need) I could run 16bit programs on my Win7WOW installation on this 64bit machine??
If you installed Windows 7 32-bit then you can run 16-bit programs.
I'd demo for you, if I had a known quantified sample of such a thing.
But I don't have a collection of 16 bit stuff.
I don't know enough about 16-bit executables, to know how many
types there are, and what their level-of-compatibility is. It's
important when you test a thing like this, to not be
shooting from the hip.
In the spirit of DIY, I made one.
# This creates multiple output target types, and the filename is named after the OS you are using as host.
open-watcom-2_0-c-win-x86.exe [you install into Win7 x86 OS] 121 MB yesterday
This allows you to compile a sample project.
Make a PDF out of this. There is a drawing of a kitchen.
Once you get the IDE installed in the default location C:\WATCOM,
find the binw directory and double click "ide.exe".
Open Project. Navigate to samples\ide\win.wpj (will be the 16 bit version of draw example)
Actions : Make All
In File Explorer, navigate to C:\WATCOM\samples\ide\win and launch draw16.exe
This should give the bar-bet picture.
I use the LInux file command and the Virustotal site, for potential identification.
Not really conclusive what the hell I've made here :-)
/mnt/d$ file draw16.exe
draw16.exe: MS-DOS executable, NE for MS Windows 3.x (EXE)
File type Win16 EXE
Magic MS-DOS executable, NE for MS Windows 3.x (EXE)
Here is the bar bet, showing Windows 7 x86, launching (some kind of) 16 bit executable.
Here is the bar bet, showing Windows 7 x86, launching (some kind of) 16 bit executable.