Post by j***@astraweb.comYes, i realize that and originally only had the --batch-file parm and
got nowhere until i put the -a, also, and it gave the error message.
I am looking for an example of what works.....
So, instead of running:
yt-dlp -a --batch-file C:\youtube-dl\ytdlpbatch.txt
which complains "--batch-file" is not a valid filespec, you're saying:
yt-dlp --batch-file C:\youtube-dl\ytdlpbatch.txt
also doesn't work, but apparently issues no error message (sorry, "go
nowhere" doesn't really say what happens), and doesn't procede to
capture the video streams at the specified URLs.
Instead of specifying a path to the .txt file, what happens if you copy
the .txt file into the same folder (c:\youtube-dl_13:41:31.62_) as where
you find and run yt-dlp.exe? After changing the default directory to
c:\youtube-dl_13:41:31.62_ in the command shell, you'd end up running:
yt-dlp --batch-file ytdlpbatch.txt
I mention this possible restriction due to mention at:
"Note that the yt-dlp.exe file must be stored in the same directory as
the .bat files in order to work."
That's for the .bat (batch) files to facilitate using yt-dlp, but
perhaps there is a similar restriction to yt-dlp.exe and the text file
you specify on its command line. The help for yt-dlp says the parm
sytax is "--batch-file FILE", but doesn't say where the file can or must
be. I didn't find mention of what atoms/tokens are permitted in the
Obviously you need execute permission in the folder where it yt-dlp.exe,
and read permission in the .txt file folder referenced by --batch-file
parm's filespec. You can run yt-dlp.exe okay, right? Can you open the
.txt file listing the URLs in Notepad? Make sure to copy copy the
filespec string in your command to specify what file to open in Notepad,
so your eyes aren't making an auto-correction versus where is actually
the file.
Did you create the .txt file using a Linux or Windows host? Line
delimiters (aka line breaks) differ between those. DOS/Windows uses
CR+LF (carriage return and line feed) or \r\n (return and newline) while
Linux only needs LF (linefeed) or just \n. Back in teletype days, CR
returned the head to the left end of the platen while LF simply rolled
the platen forward. So, a LF would start printing in the next line, but
starting at the same position as the last character in the prior line,
not at the left end. This encumberance happens when folks write text
files on Linux, and expect them to be properly interpreted on Windows.
Also try encompassing the filespec with double-quote characters.
Normally those would only be needed if the file or its path contained
space characters, but quoting the filespec might also aid the parser.
Rather than a text file listing the URLs of where to capture videos,
does yt-dlp work when you directly specify the URLs on the command line?
Like running:
yt-dlp [url],[url],[url]