In message <uu14vm$2rm87$***> at Wed, 27 Mar 2024 13:54:31,
R.Wieser <***@is.invalid> writes
Post by R.WieserPost by J. P. GilliverWell, that's related to my asking below what was your _reason_
for wanting to monitor the changes.
Again, I do *NOT* want to /monitor/ any changes.
You do, sort of.
Post by R.WieserI just want to see the contents of the document I just double-clicked.
Thats all. I asked for it, it needs to happen.
WordPad won't re-open a file it already has open. This is arguably a
bug, but that's the way it is. I won't say "get over it", because I get
very cross when people say that sort of thing to _me_; instead, I am
trying to understand _why_ you want to do this. Railing "because it
should" will only frustrate you; there are lots of things in the world I
wish would work differently (or even "properly" in many cases), but they
don't, and I eventually accept them - however much I hate the fact(s).
We're not going to get WordPad changed ("fixed" if you like) -
especially the version that (from where you're posting) came with XP or
You "just" want to see the contents of the document you just
double-clicked. But, in practice, you want to see the _changes_.
Otherwise you wouldn't have raised this question!
Unless your original reason for wanting to see the (changed) document
has long gone, and you're just pursuing this for its own sake. In which
case feel free - I have done the same all too often in the past!
Post by R.WieserPost by J. P. GilliverThese questions were trying to find what your _specific_ problem is.
In a few words :? Explicitily asking for something to happen and
(silently!) being ignored (which has caused me problems in the past).
And being misunderstood by some.
Post by R.WieserPost by J. P. Gilliverfrom the lack of responses that actually give the switch, the answer
would appear to be "no, it has no such switch"
I would already be glad with "I'm not aware of the existance of such a
switch" kind of replies - and than possibly /followed/ with suggestions of
other approaches.
"I'm not aware of the existence [!] of such a switch".
Post by R.WieserPost by J. P. GilliverI had the feeling you wanted something like a "status window",
Post by J. P. GilliverIf it isn't, what _do_ you want
Simple: double-click a file, the file gets loaded and displayed. Rinse and
Not gonna happen - with NotePad at least. It should, _perhaps_; it's not
gonna. But you've homed in on that being what you want.
Post by R.WieserPost by J. P. Gilliverfor/with the output of this specific prog.
I see I made a mistake in mentioning the program which is the source of the
document. It allowed you to side-track yourself.
It allowed me to ask "why do you want to do this" - as in "what is the
_reason_ you want to see these changes", rather than just "WordPad
doesn't behave the way I want [and arguably how it should] - anyone know
a way to fix it".
I don't really believe you decided, out of the blue, to see if WordPad
behaved in a certain way: you were actually wanting to do something, and
tried using WordPad, and it didn't. You _then_ asked why (or, more
specifically, does anyone know a switch to make it).
Post by R.WieserPost by J. P. Gillivernot as a general WordPad question (for which it doesn't seem an
answer is forthcoming)?
As far as I'm concerned the answer must still be sought in direct connection
to wordpad - as it is causing the problem, nothing else.
It's causing the problem - in that it's not behaving the way you want
(and that arguably it should). But rather than the problem with WordPad,
which you have identified, I and some others were trying to help you do
what you were originally trying to do (and other others misunderstood
what you were trying to do).
If what you were originally trying to do - even if you now won't admit
it!, which was see a changed document - is no longer of interest, but
you want instead to pursue the WordPad bug ad infinitum (ad nauseam),
fair enough, but tell us.
(You wanted to do something, and you used a tool you thought should; the
tool didn't work as you expected. You asked if it was possible to make
the tool work as you expected, which was a good move, because if someone
knew the answer, it's more generally useful, and lets all of us learn
how to use that tool in that way, it's more generally useful. However,
especially if nobody knows how to do that - it may even not be possible
- then helping you do what you were originally trying to do is better
than nothing.)
Post by R.WieserPehaps I will use "taskkill" (or similar mechanisms) for a while and see how
I like it. Might even put something like it in a launcher program.
Rudy Wieser
J. P. Gilliver. UMRA: 1960/<1985 MB++G()AL-IS-Ch++(p)***@T+H+Sh0!:`)DNAf
Time is an illusion - lunchtime doubly so. (First series, fit the first.)