Post by R.WieserVanguard,
Post by VanguardLHComes back to the UNC pointing to the shared resource on a host,
like a folder, not to the drive itself.
As mentioned, I can redirect output to "\\?\Volume{guid}\bla.txt"*. But I
can't, using the same filespec, do a "del" on that file afterwards.
* and yes, the file is created in the root of the drive, as a "dir \bla.txt"
So yes, an "\\?\Volume{guid}\" specifies the drive itself.
... but not always. And *thats* the problem.
Any idea why and/or how to fix that ?
Rudy Wieser
Weird scenario: can create at root, but cannot delete at root. Guess a
UNC won't work for you. However, seems the UNC syntax you use is
invalid as it is supposed to point to a shared resource, like a folder.
Looks like you found a loophole.
As an experiment, I ran mountvol to get the GUID for the C: drive. For
me, that is \\?\Volume{19b786f1-f8cd-4b0c-b51e-66c63d0c3f7e}\. I then
used Win+R to open the Run dialog, and pasted in that exact string.
File Explorer opened to the root of the drive, but shows as "Windows 10
(\:)" instead of "Windows 10 (C:\)". The volume ID of my C: drive is
"Windows 10". In an admin command shell, I entered:
echo hello > \\?\Volume{19b786f1-f8cd-4b0c-b51e-66c63d0c3f7e}\testme.txt
a 'dir' on C:\ shows the testme.txt file showed up in the root folder of
C:\. I then tried:
del \\?\Volume{19b786f1-f8cd-4b0c-b51e-66c63d0c3f7e}\testme.txt
and got "The parameter is incorrect". Seems a parsing issue, perhaps on
the "?" host placeholder in the UNC. I then tried with double quotes:
del "\\?\Volume{19b786f1-f8cd-4b0c-b51e-66c63d0c3f7e}\testme.txt"
Argh, still got incorrect parameter. 'erase' failed, too. 'move'
failed, too (thinking I might move into a temp folder to then delete the
temp folder along with all files under there). Yet:
copy \\?\Volume{19b786f1-f8cd-4b0c-b51e-66c63d0c3f7e}\testme.txt \\?\Volume{19b786f1-f8cd-4b0c-b51e-66c63d0c3f7e}\TEMP
worked (1 file copied).
Thinking I might assign a drive letter to the GUID for the drive, I
subst f: \\?\Volume{19b786f1-f8cd-4b0c-b51e-66c63d0c3f7e}
F: had not yet been assigned. I got "Path not found - <GUID>".
Reminds me of way back when I found parsing by DOS commands was not
consistent, like each DOS command was created by a different programmer.
I didn't find an arg to 'xcopy' that would move and delete, or just
delete to see if parsing was better in that tool.
I tried using robocopy.exe with /MOV to move the test file into a temp
folder and delete the source file, and then rerun robocopy with /PURGE
to eliminate files in the destination that no longer existed in the
source, like (the lines are long due to using UNC and GUIDs):
robocopy /mov \\?\Volume{19b786f1-f8cd-4b0c-b51e-66c63d0c3f7e}\testme.txt \\?\Volume{19b786f1-f8cd-4b0c-b51e-66c63d0c3f7e}\TEMP
robocopy /purge \\?\Volume{19b786f1-f8cd-4b0c-b51e-66c63d0c3f7e}\testme.txt \\?\Volume{19b786f1-f8cd-4b0c-b51e-66c63d0c3f7e}\TEMP
Nope, the first robocopy (to move and delete) failed with:
ERROR 53 (0x00000035) Accessing Source Directory \\?\Volume{19b786f1-f8cd-4b0c-b51e-66c63d0c3f7e}\testme.txt\
The network path was not found.
Well, shit, I got the syntax wrong. According to "robocopy /?", the
source is a directory (folder), not a file. I don't want to move and
then delete everything in the root folder. So, I changed to (and
crossed my fingers hoping not to have to restore from an image backup):
robocopy \\?\Volume{19b786f1-f8cd-4b0c-b51e-66c63d0c3f7e}\ \\?\Volume{19b786f1-f8cd-4b0c-b51e-66c63d0c3f7e}\TEMP testme.bat /mov
That failed with:
ERROR 53 (0x00000035) Accessing Source Directory \\?\Volume{19b786f1-f8cd-4b0c-b51e-66c63d0c3f7e}\
The network path was not found.
Doesn't work with the root folder of the GUID identified drive. Again
back to having to specify a folder as the shared resource (root) in the
UNC path. The DOS commands won't work. Redirecting stdout with echo
probably entails using system file I/O API calls that will work as you
noted, but the DOS commands don't like accessing the root of a drive
using its GUID.
Just doesn't seem the DOS commands (those inside of cmd.exe) will let
you reliably use UNC pathing containing GUIDs. Those DOS commands were
pre-UNC era, and pre-GUID era. They don't understand the later stuff.
Maybe you'll have to switch from a batch file (.bat or .cmd) using DOS
commands to using a Powershell script. I haven't bothered yet to learn
Powershell, so I relegate expertise to online articles I find, like:
Maybe the path arg can use UNC pathing with GUIDs. That article
presumes a single arg is for the path to the object (file or folder).
More syntax on the Remove-Item cmdlet is mentioned at:
Inside of the Powershell shell, I tried (with and without "-path"):
remove-item -path "\\?\Volume{19b786f1-f8cd-4b0c-b51e-66c63d0c3f7e}\testme.txt"
No error was reported, but the file did not get deleted. del is an
alias to remove-item cmdlet, so I tried in Powershell:
del C:\testme.txt
That failed with "cannot remove" and "access to path denied". I tried
some other commands, and even moved into the C:\TEMP folder to try
deleting from there, but gave up on the PS errors.