Post by Nomen NescioPost by Spalls HurgensonOn Wed, 9 Oct 2024 19:29:21 +0200 (CEST), Nomen Nescio
Post by Nomen NescioI want a few programs to load along with Windows 7 Ultimate when I
turn on the computer.
Web searches are confusing. They keep explaining how to setup various
devices to boot, but not how to add a program to boot simultaneously
with Windows.
There are numerous ways, but the easiest is to use the Startup folder.
This works in pretty much every version of Windows since Win95.
1) Find the executable to the program you want to start (e.g.,
C:\Program Files\SuperCoolProgram\Launcher.exe
2) Create a shortcut to that executable
(replace {USERNAME} with whatever your log-in username is)
If there is no startup folder there, create one
Restart windows and the program in that folder should load
To stop the program from automatically loading, just delete (or move)
the shortcut
There are other options --for instance, editing the registry or using
Task Manager to set up a scheduled task -- but the Startup folder
method is the most accessible.
Lordy! I NEVER would have figured that out! It worked!
THANK, you!
While Spalls saw your post, I don't see your post on my regular
server. Where you post from, may protect your anonymity, but
it might also give you a less-wide distribution. If you're wondering
at times, why you didn't get an answer, that is the reason. In some
cases, the sending server you used, is using a path preload, which
is a filtering agreement between USENET server operators. The defunct
AIOE was using that, before it was blown up by somebody. Paolo was
cleaning up, by getting a few source servers to censor themselves
via path preload. In such cases, it's not the end-users filtering
off your message.
A rough equivalent of the AIOE server is . and
that is where I'm seeing your message. To use Paganini, does not
require an account, just like AIOE.
On Windows 7, you can try running the System Information utility "msinfo32".
Start : msinfo32.exe then "Software Environment" : Startup Programs
lists the sources of startup items.
The Location column indicates the source:
Startup <=== Startup has a folder, just for the user logged in at the moment
Common Startup <=== Startuo items that are involved, when all users are logged in.
This is a common folder used for system-wide items.
My installed Bluetooth software, has a Tray Item, that shows up for everyone.
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run <=== Adding items to this registry key, launches stuff
Reflect UI REG_SZ C:\Program Files\Macrium\Common\ReflectUI.exe <=== runs as my personal account
Not shown might be the contents of "Scheduled Tasks", which
allows scripts to be run as SYSTEM at a scheduled time. The
scheduled time can include delayed start, so an item
starts roughly two minutes after the desktop appears.
It is a lot of work, to set these up, but you can have
elevation above a regular user account by doing that.
Start : taskschd.msc <=== This displays items, most of which are not delayed start after boot
That's a quick summary of some system-supported methods.
Without going into too much detail.
This is a third-party tool (company bought by Microsoft), and it
"shows everything" currently invoked. Via tick boxes, you can
pretend to manage existing items, however, a persistent pest
can reinstall itself. The tick box as a control method, only
works if the developer chooses to let that happen. A malware,
for example, cannot easily be turned off with a tick box approach.