"Paul" <***@needed.invalid> wrote
| So yes, there are local accounts. They're local accounts,
| because you don't have a Domain.
| Microsoft tried to shoehorn "fake Domain" behavior into
| your home computer room. But there are some rough edges,
| and it may take a user a while to figure out exactly
| what those rough edges are.
| An MSA account, is similar to a Domain account, in the
| sense that the password is the same everywhere, and it's
| a "long and strong" password, to prevent Internet hijinks.
| You definitely do not use a "12345" password on an MSA.
| Because you may be logging into the Microsoft server, and
| getting your Bitlocker recovery key from it.
I see. Thanks. I'd never heard that jargon before, I guess
because I've never paid much attention to the requirement
that I choose a "user name" on a standalone computer. So
I've thought in terms of "users" rather than "accounts".
I did know about the Roaming folder, though again, it's
never been anything more than a nuisance for me because
I've never worked at a corporate job and the Roaming design
is post-XP. Even when designing software installers I don't
need to know the details because I just ask the system for
the paths to the personal app data folder and the all users
app data folder.
Interesting about MSA. I'd assumed it was only a shopping
account for apps. But I suppose the Microsoft Club must have
a wider definition, including OneDrive and "conveniences", like
getting activation help easier. In the computer age, impersonal
IDs have become the way to feel personally known, as computer
voices enthusiastically tell us, "Welcome back" when we try to
reach human tech support.
Poor Microsoft never seems to get the hang of these things.
I don't know how many people use OneDrive vs GoogleDrive,
or MSAs vs gmail accounts, but I do know that people expecting
me to access their files on GD are common and I don't remember
more than once or twice seeing a link to OneDrive.
I decided to check out their presentation out of curiosity,
but MS websites are so broken these days without javascript
that the only information available was the blurbs on DuckDuckGo.
It looks like I could have a TB of storage free, just for joining
the Microsoft Family (R). That's very nice of them. Though the
info that I found only says "sign up for free". That sounds like
the software sites that say "download free" but the product
is actually crippleware.
MS never seem to quite get the idea with these things. Google
have been very cleverly evil in getting 90% of the population
to be completely hooked on gmail, Google search, Google maps,
and so on. If Google refused to handle non-gmail tomorrow,
people would call me without a second thought to tell me I'll
need a gmail account so that they can reach me. No one even
knows what a Microsoft account is. ***@Microsoft.com?
***@outlook.com? ***@live.com? ***@passport.com?
***@hailstorm.com? ***@kin.com?
***@surface.com? ***@onedrive.com? Can I still
get an address at ActiveDesktop.com to add to my antique
collection of Mindspring and AOL addresses?