2024-08-28 11:06:05 UTC
Tonight I've booted my Win7 Installation and updated my Anti-Virus, AVG
Free, and, after doing a complete HD Scan, it tells me I have a network
problem in that my "Device is accessible from the Internet .... Open
ports on this device that could allow attackers to remotely access it".
a. Should I be really, really worried?? and
b. How do I fix it ... remembering that I'd need (some) open ports to
access the Internet??
Any suggestions, please, ;-)
Free, and, after doing a complete HD Scan, it tells me I have a network
problem in that my "Device is accessible from the Internet .... Open
ports on this device that could allow attackers to remotely access it".
a. Should I be really, really worried?? and
b. How do I fix it ... remembering that I'd need (some) open ports to
access the Internet??
Any suggestions, please, ;-)