Question on MMC v3.08 x86 under win 7
(too old to reply)
2024-05-07 15:25:04 UTC
Does anyone use or have MMC v3.08 x86 under win 7?

I am getting a "Tab locked (unlock it)" dialogue box for all 3 open commands under FILE.

When I first opened it they worked,

Besides being screwed up but somewhat readable, the HELP file is no help.

Does anyone know how to UNLOCK a tab on this program -- example "open URL"


2024-05-07 17:35:14 UTC
Does anyone use or have MMC v3.08 x86 under win 7? I am getting a
"Tab locked (unlock it)" dialogue box for all 3 open commands under
FILE. When I first opened it they worked, Besides being screwed up
but somewhat readable, the HELP file is no help.
Does anyone know how to UNLOCK a tab on this program -- example "open URL"
I'm on Windows 10 Home x64 22H2. In mmc's Help, it says it is version
3.0. No minor or sub-minor version numbers.

Are you logged in under a Windows admin-level account? When logged into
Windows, load a elevated shell (cmd.exe), and run:

net user <youracct>

Check the "Local Group memberships" to see if your Windows account is in
the Administrators security group. Alternatively, you can run:

net localgroup administrators

to see if your Windows account is included in the Administrators
security group.

You did not state which edition of Windows 7 you are using: Home, Pro,
Enterprise, Starter, etc. Not all snap-ins can be added to MMC when
using the Home edition. Which ones have you added?

I don't ever remember seeing tabs in MMC. You add snap-ins which appear
in a tree list in the left pane. So, maybe your "MMC" is not the one
bundled with Windows. Is your MMC the Microsoft Management Console?
What I see for MMC under the File menu are not "3 open commands", but:

Save As
Add/Remove Snap-in...
[Recent file]

Same as I see in the image at https://tinyurl.com/3n5ys7ez. An image of
MMC is shown at:

Loading Image...

No tabs in the GUI. In the Windows MMC tool, the "File -> Open" menu
opens an .msc (console) file, not URLs. Looks like MMC to you is not
the MMC that comes bundled in Windows. What is the "MMC" you ask about?
Give its full name since a search on "mmc" results in far too many
unrelated hits.
2024-05-07 18:14:05 UTC
Post by j***@astraweb.com
Does anyone use or have MMC v3.08 x86 under win 7?
I am getting a "Tab locked (unlock it)" dialogue box for all 3 open commands under FILE.
When I first opened it they worked,
Besides being screwed up but somewhat readable, the HELP file is no help.
Does anyone know how to UNLOCK a tab on this program -- example "open URL"
The source is no help either. There are signs the designer
thinks this is a function, but what the functionality is I
haven't a clue.



void PlaylistEditorTabs::tab_head_contexmenu_lockedfunc_msg(void)
QMessageBox* msg = new QMessageBox(this->parent_widget);
msg->setText("Tab is locked!\n(unlock it)");

PlaylistEditorTabs *pet;
struct dispqt_playlisteditor_model_config_s *pmc = this->main_window->PlaylistEditor->tab_get_pmc(&pet, this->side_num, -1);
if(pmc && pet && pet->editor_tab_tables[pmc->tabnum])

