Post by John B. SmithI downloaded an .mp4 video in Win7(64bit) played it back in VLC media
player successfully. Later I tried to play the vid when booted in
WinXP(32bit), it said it contained no video. I found that my Win7 VLC
was version 3.0.20, and in XP its VLC was 2.2.4.
WinXP,s VLC allowed itself to be updated to the latest, 3.0.20. It now
no longer complains about 'no video' but plays the vid (after a bunch
of jumping around) with no picture displayed.
Anyone know what my problem is?
You can try it in FFMPEG, in one of the versions that work on WinXP. 43590056 07-Aug-2017 21:09 # WinXP user
When versions around 4.x.x first came out, they were missing some DLLs.
# Other OSes, 4.x.x release versions
The Zeranoe site eventually closed down, and Gyan offers files for Windows users.
This is definitely not going to run on WinXP, but Win7 might work.
Name: ffmpeg-6.1.1-full_build.7z
Size: 50,475,147 bytes (48 MiB)
SHA256: B13DE924F9E752D2BA5A54C40EC0B595BB4EBAB677A184308D7A819DCFA58BE1
Unpack the file using a copy of 7ZIP. On W10/W11, they placed a
libarchive? or similar, that adds the ability to unpack .7z right
in the OS. Obviously they're never going to backport that to Win7.
That gives
Name: ffmpeg.exe
Size: 135,416,832 bytes (129 MiB)
SHA256: 2E00E43AEB1929D19763ED3CA1E226B3BC81CB50F6B0B04709F1EE504657E2C5
Name: ffplay.exe
Size: 135,245,824 bytes (128 MiB)
SHA256: E30281CBDCC86D3558F52052EF447BD210728C120FFEA3A0AC2ADD56C6C145FF
Name: ffprobe.exe
Size: 135,283,200 bytes (129 MiB)
SHA256: 201FB44DFA973B303D7A254F44ACA3680F282BBAD732ACE68F64B06E3B2C3E41
Those happen to be 64-bit executables.
All of Gyans are 64-bit.
file ffmpeg.exe
ffmpeg.exe: PE32+ executable (console) x86-64 (stripped to external PDB), for MS Windows
Put the mystery.mp4 in the same folder as your unpacked EXE files.
In a command prompt, CD to the folder where the four files are now located.
cd /d C:\users\username\Downloads\FFMPEG
ffprobe mystery.mp4
ffplay mystery.mp4
FFProbe tells you the CODECs for audio and video.
FFPlay demonstrates your copy of FFMPEG is modern enough to play the file.
Now, if you go back to WinXP, and do this using 3.3.3 ,
perhaps FFProbe will complain it can't do something, hinting
at the problem. VLC is likely to use ffmpeg or libav as a
library for such playback. None of this is even remotely related
to the state or existence of your KLite CODEC pack :-)
Using the ffmpeg program, you can transcode to a format better
suited to usage on Windows XP. You could use Windows 7 x64 to transcode
and make content for Windows XP.
The following example you would run on Windows 7, could be
like this. This is an overly ornate example. The file should
be bigger than the original .mp4. There are likely much simpler
recipes to make something useful. This is two pass conversion,
two commands, and can have slightly better quality. It makes
no assumptions about your video card (command is un-accelerated).
The output is similar to a file on a DVD (without encryption).
ffmpeg -i some.mp4 -target ntsc-dvd -aspect 4:3 -g 12 -b:v 3900k -maxrate 8000000 -minrate 0 -bufsize 1835008 -pass 1 -y NUL
ffmpeg -i some.mp4 -target ntsc-dvd -aspect 4:3 -g 12 -b:v 3900k -maxrate 8000000 -minrate 0 -bufsize 1835008 -pass 2 output.vob
Doing them unaccelerated is slow. You will grow into the
usage of better commands. Google has examples of
other kinds of conversions. This is a fully accelerated
single pass conversion. Using a GTX1050 or GTX1080 video SIP.
An example like this might take me six minutes.
ffmpeg -hwaccel nvdec -i "fedora.mkv" -y -acodec aac -vcodec h264_nvenc -crf 23 "output2.mp4"
The DVD format example, is more likely to play :-) On WinXP. For some set of conditions.
There are other tools for drag and drop conversion that
are simpler than this. They've already made some profile choices
for you. Like in my example, there are elements of the DVD profile
for the MPEG2 (VOB) produced. The bufsize for example, is the size of the
RAM chip on a typical DVD player hardware device. None of that has
any meaning for on-demand playback from a hard drive. It's just to
show the level of complexity of FFMPEG examples. There are professionals
on the Internet (convert videos commercially every day), who can whip
up examples 5x more complicated than that.
When you have playback problems, if you provide the URL of a vid,
it makes it easier for us to work on it. This isn't always possible
of course, but sometimes we might have more concrete examples.