Post by Mark Lloyd[snip]
Post by J. P. Gilliver (John)For me, 98lite (roughly, '98 with the shell from '95);
What version of IE?
98lite came from the same people (I _think_ they still exist, under a
different name; they did an XP tweaker. Australian, IIRR) who produced
IEradicator, for those of us who resented the fact that IE was "built
in" to '9x); 98lite also had that function. (Including notes on how to
keep/reinstall the necessary bits - a couple of DLLs, I think - needed
to still be able to e. g. read HTML-style help files.)
Post by Mark LloydPost by J. P. Gilliver (John)but, time moves on in unpredictable ways. For me what killed '98
(lite or otherwise) was mostly the wide takeup of USB and the lack of
'98 generic drivers (almost every new device, even pen drive, needed
a manufacturer's driver).
ME came with a storage driver, so you didn't need to add one. I
recently wanted to install 98 or ME on an old machine, and chose ME for
that reason.
The last time (must be about a decade ago) I created a '9x system, I
used the "Windows 98 tenth anniversary edition", by someone calling
himself "soporific"; he'd added lots of drivers for hardware that had
come out since '98, as well as lots of utilities: he packed a CD .iso to
within an inch of its capacity. (Including the "universal" USB driver
that someone had developed, which worked well, provided it was the
_first_ [and perhaps only] USB memory driver loaded.) That "edition" of
'98 was, for its time, a very well-thought-out system, and worked well;
unfortunately, some of the things he'd included were cracked versions of
some commercial softwares (such as the full version of 98lite - I'd only
ever used the trial version). I don't know if that was the reason, but
that edition disappeared more or less without trace: seems a pity, given
the work that went into it.
[] (my "[]" is short for "[snip]")
J. P. Gilliver. UMRA: 1960/<1985 MB++G()AL-IS-Ch++(p)***@T+H+Sh0!:`)DNAf
Eve had an Apple, Adam had a Wang...