Batch file to remove "Bad Updates" from Windows 7
(too old to reply)
Stormin' Norman
2015-08-31 16:10:07 UTC
Stealing an approach from the following article:


I created a small batch file to remove all of the "Bad Updates" (the ones I am aware of) from Microsoft, for
Windows 7

If you are interested in having this tool, create a text file name "RemoveBadUpdates.cmd" or some such name.

In the file, paste the following lines:

wusa /uninstall /kb:3068708 /norestart
wusa /uninstall /kb:3022345 /norestart
wusa /uninstall /kb:3075249 /norestart
wusa /uninstall /kb:3080149 /norestart
wusa /uninstall /kb:971033 /norestart
wusa /uninstall /kb:3065987 /norestart
wusa /uninstall /kb:3021917 /norestart
wusa /uninstall /kb:2990214 /norestart
wusa /uninstall /kb:3035583 /norestart
wusa /uninstall /kb:2952664 /norestart

Save the file in your BIN or utility folder. To run, right click and select run as administrator. You will
either be notified the update does not exist on the system or you will be prompted to approve or decline the
removal of the update.

When finished running, remember to restart your machine.

If anyone has other "Bad Updates" please let me know so they can be added them to the list.

I hope this helps someone.
Mike Tomlinson
2015-08-31 16:30:37 UTC
Post by Stormin' Norman
wusa /uninstall /kb:971033 /norestart
Are you sure about this one? It's 3 years old and refers to Windows

Looks like it should be 2971033?
(='.'=) Bunny says: Windows 10? Nein danke!
Stormin' Norman
2015-08-31 16:51:26 UTC
Post by Mike Tomlinson
Post by Stormin' Norman
wusa /uninstall /kb:971033 /norestart
Are you sure about this one? It's 3 years old and refers to Windows
Looks like it should be 2971033?
If I remember correctly, I was burned by the above update way back when. I had a perfectly legitimate Windows
7 install at my office that was "deactivated" forcing me to waste about $400 worth of my time to resolve. When
something like that happens, the update goes on my shit-list forever.

That update and others do nothing positive for me. They are designed to assist Microsoft and to be honest, I
have no love for that corporation.

I am not familiar with kb2971033, is it a bad actor too?
Cy Burnot
2015-08-31 17:17:06 UTC
Post by Stormin' Norman
Post by Mike Tomlinson
Post by Stormin' Norman
wusa /uninstall /kb:971033 /norestart
Are you sure about this one? It's 3 years old and refers to Windows
Looks like it should be 2971033?
If I remember correctly, I was burned by the above update way back when. I had a perfectly legitimate Windows
7 install at my office that was "deactivated" forcing me to waste about $400 worth of my time to resolve. When
something like that happens, the update goes on my shit-list forever.
"Windows Activation Technologies helps you confirm that the copy of
Windows 7 that is running on your computer is genuine. Additionally,
Windows Activation Technologies helps protect against the risks of
counterfeit software. Windows Activation Technologies in Windows 7
consists of activation and validation components that contain
anti-piracy features."
Post by Stormin' Norman
I am not familiar with kb2971033, is it a bad actor too?
Doesn't exist.
Mike Tomlinson
2015-08-31 17:24:56 UTC
Post by Cy Burnot
Doesn't exist.

(='.'=) Bunny says: Windows 10? Nein danke!
Cy Burnot
2015-08-31 17:44:24 UTC
Post by Mike Tomlinson
Post by Cy Burnot
Doesn't exist.
As bad a case of misquoting as I've ever seen!

KB2971033 doesn't exist. Or at least Google cannot find it.
Mike Tomlinson
2015-08-31 18:02:12 UTC
Post by Cy Burnot
As bad a case of misquoting as I've ever seen!
My apologies, it was Stormin' Norman that said that.
Post by Cy Burnot
KB2971033 doesn't exist. Or at least Google cannot find it.
How odd that I used Google to find the link I posted...
(='.'=) Bunny says: Windows 10? Nein danke!
Stormin' Norman
2015-08-31 18:06:28 UTC
Post by Mike Tomlinson
Post by Cy Burnot
As bad a case of misquoting as I've ever seen!
My apologies, it was Stormin' Norman that said that.
Said what? If I am going to be blamed for something, at least allow me the pleasure of knowing what it is
that I said?
Post by Mike Tomlinson
Post by Cy Burnot
KB2971033 doesn't exist. Or at least Google cannot find it.
How odd that I used Google to find the link I posted...
Mike Tomlinson
2015-08-31 18:14:09 UTC
Post by Stormin' Norman
Said what? If I am going to be blamed for something, at least allow me the
pleasure of knowing what it is
that I said?
Jeez, can't you follow a thread?
Post by Stormin' Norman
I am not familiar with kb2971033, is it a bad actor too?
Happy now?
(='.'=) Bunny says: Windows 10? Nein danke!
Stormin' Norman
2015-08-31 18:50:20 UTC
Post by Mike Tomlinson
Post by Stormin' Norman
Said what? If I am going to be blamed for something, at least allow me the
pleasure of knowing what it is
that I said?
Jeez, can't you follow a thread?
Post by Stormin' Norman
I am not familiar with kb2971033, is it a bad actor too?
Happy now?
Happy? Being an old, dumb-fuck, I should be happy, but in this case I am still confused by the whole
misquoting thing. I think I will go out and feed the draft horses and get some love, that will cheer me up.
Mike Tomlinson
2015-08-31 20:04:35 UTC
Post by Stormin' Norman
I think I will go out and feed the draft horses and get some
love, that will cheer me up.
Do try not to mix the two up, it's illegal in most states.
(='.'=) Bunny says: Windows 10? Nein danke!
Stormin' Norman
2015-08-31 20:48:04 UTC
Post by Mike Tomlinson
Post by Stormin' Norman
I think I will go out and feed the draft horses and get some
love, that will cheer me up.
Do try not to mix the two up, it's illegal in most states.
Clever rabbit.......
Stormin' Norman
2015-08-31 17:56:35 UTC
Post by Cy Burnot
Post by Stormin' Norman
Post by Mike Tomlinson
Post by Stormin' Norman
wusa /uninstall /kb:971033 /norestart
Are you sure about this one? It's 3 years old and refers to Windows
Looks like it should be 2971033?
If I remember correctly, I was burned by the above update way back when. I had a perfectly legitimate Windows
7 install at my office that was "deactivated" forcing me to waste about $400 worth of my time to resolve. When
something like that happens, the update goes on my shit-list forever.
"Windows Activation Technologies helps you confirm that the copy of
Windows 7 that is running on your computer is genuine. Additionally,
Windows Activation Technologies helps protect against the risks of
counterfeit software. Windows Activation Technologies in Windows 7
consists of activation and validation components that contain
anti-piracy features."
Well, that is all well and good for Microsoft, but it hosed one of my perfectly legitimate workstations as I
described above. I only care about my business, I do not care about Microsoft's business. They do nothing to
help me, so I will not do anything to help them nor will I allow them to invade my privacy, regardless of
license agreements.
Post by Cy Burnot
Post by Stormin' Norman
I am not familiar with kb2971033, is it a bad actor too?
Doesn't exist.
2015-08-31 19:10:09 UTC
On Mon, 31 Aug 2015 16:10:07 +0000, Stormin' Norman
Post by Stormin' Norman
I created a small batch file to remove all of the "Bad Updates" (the ones I am aware of) from Microsoft, for
Windows 7
If you are interested in having this tool, create a text file name "RemoveBadUpdates.cmd" or some such name.
wusa /uninstall /kb:3068708 /norestart
wusa /uninstall /kb:3022345 /norestart
wusa /uninstall /kb:3075249 /norestart
wusa /uninstall /kb:3080149 /norestart
wusa /uninstall /kb:971033 /norestart
wusa /uninstall /kb:3065987 /norestart
wusa /uninstall /kb:3021917 /norestart
wusa /uninstall /kb:2990214 /norestart
wusa /uninstall /kb:3035583 /norestart
wusa /uninstall /kb:2952664 /norestart
Save the file in your BIN or utility folder. To run, right click and select run as administrator. You will
either be notified the update does not exist on the system or you will be prompted to approve or decline the
removal of the update.
When finished running, remember to restart your machine.
If anyone has other "Bad Updates" please let me know so they can be added them to the list.
I hope this helps someone.
It's helped me a great deal because after removing the updates


after being earlier advised in an earlier post, I started looking online for
a possible list of undesirable updates to add to it, and now you've produced
one. Excellent! Of course, after restarting, checking for new updates and
hiding the offending updates on that list I found an update that I'd hidden
some time earlier but can't remember why. It's KB2882822. It was giving me
startup problems a few years ago, if I can remember correctly, and I'm
wondering whether I should include it among your list of undesirables or
unhide it the and install it.
Stan Brown
2015-09-02 10:10:25 UTC
Post by Pip
It's helped me a great deal because after removing the updates
Any way to find a particular numbered update in the list of waiting
updates? They don't seem to be sorted numerically.
Stan Brown, Oak Road Systems, Tompkins County, New York, USA
Shikata ga nai...
Stormin' Norman
2015-09-02 11:54:57 UTC
Post by Stan Brown
Post by Pip
It's helped me a great deal because after removing the updates
Any way to find a particular numbered update in the list of waiting
updates? They don't seem to be sorted numerically.
In a word, no, there is not. I spent a while researching this a few weeks ago and decided to look for a way
to pre-hide updates so I didn't have to search through a long list. Paul found some possible scripting
solutions but I have not had great luck with them yet. See:


2015-09-03 02:56:41 UTC
I made and ran the batch file as suggested abd lost the Adobe printer from my
machine. i7, 4.0Mhz 32 Mgb with Win 7 64x. Any idea why?
R. Wink
Post by Stormin' Norman
Post by Stan Brown
Post by Pip
It's helped me a great deal because after removing the updates
Any way to find a particular numbered update in the list of waiting
updates? They don't seem to be sorted numerically.
In a word, no, there is not. I spent a while researching this a few weeks ago and decided to look for a way
to pre-hide updates so I didn't have to search through a long list. Paul found some possible scripting
Mike Tomlinson
2015-09-01 08:05:48 UTC
Post by Stormin' Norman
If anyone has other "Bad Updates" please let me know so they can be added them to the list.
from http://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2015/08/microsoft-

"Separate from this, another update, 3075249, enhanced the User Account
Control (UAC) feature to enable it to collect more information from the
elevation prompts"
(='.'=) Bunny says: Windows 10? Nein danke!
Stormin' Norman
2015-09-01 12:07:08 UTC
Post by Mike Tomlinson
Post by Stormin' Norman
If anyone has other "Bad Updates" please let me know so they can be added them to the list.
from http://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2015/08/microsoft-
"Separate from this, another update, 3075249, enhanced the User Account
Control (UAC) feature to enable it to collect more information from the
elevation prompts"
Mike, kb3075249 is already included in the batch file utility, see the original message of this thread.
Mike Tomlinson
2015-09-01 12:24:54 UTC
Post by Stormin' Norman
Mike, kb3075249 is already included in the batch file utility, see the original
message of this thread.
Sorry, I did look but didn't spot it. Thanks. Ran this Powershell

Get-WmiObject -Class "win32_quickfixengineering" | Select-Object -
Property "HotFixID" | Where-Object {$_ -match "KB3068708|KB3022345|KB307

and am happy to report I have none installed.
(='.'=) Bunny says: Windows 10? Nein danke!
Stormin' Norman
2015-09-01 13:05:19 UTC
Post by Mike Tomlinson
Post by Stormin' Norman
Mike, kb3075249 is already included in the batch file utility, see the original
message of this thread.
Sorry, I did look but didn't spot it. Thanks. Ran this Powershell
Get-WmiObject -Class "win32_quickfixengineering" | Select-Object -
Property "HotFixID" | Where-Object {$_ -match "KB3068708|KB3022345|KB307
and am happy to report I have none installed.
Yes, the above Powershell script was published on the Techlife blog:


Unfortunately, the author of the script made an error, KB2971033 does not exist in the Microsoft knowledge
base update repository for any of their published operating systems.

You edited the script and added KB971033 (along with a couple of other KBs), which is the correct update, but
you neglected to remove the incorrect KB2971033. Leaving it in the script will do no harm, but it is without

The difference between the above script and the batch file is; the above script will only tell you if any of
the KBs are installed, the batch will do that and it will give you the opportunity to remove any which are
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